General Overview

Right, so, cosmic beings yeah? "Cosmic Beings" is a pretty broad category, so I'll break it down for you. Outside our Funnel reality, beyond what is largely comprehensible to us, there are vast and extraordinary entities. These entities could be classified as lifeforms, or beings, but for some it's a stretch. These entities can be further classified into the following categories: The Spawn, The Bright, Shades, Fractures, and Monsters (though they exist as a part of our Funnel reality).

The Spawn are immense entities outside of our Funnel reality that range in consciousness from a semi-conscious cosmic force to an exponentially aware and infinitely conscious being. They inhabit the Void (see 'Structure' page for clarification), and it is currently unclear where they originate from, or if they originated from somewhere at all. Despite our horribly incomplete understanding of the Spawn, a few of their properties have been made clear through observation. The Spawn have the ability to divide, that is, all currently known Spawn originate from Zauvek, the Protospawn. Each Spawn also possesses unique characteristics and abilities. While the Spawn are separate from our Funnel reality, it is not impossible for them to interact with the Funnel. Though interaction with the Funnel in a sense "damages" the Spawn by forcing it to conform to the rules of Funnel reality. When a Spawn is damaged in this way, parts of it break away. It is possible that these parts are the parts of the Spawn’s being that conflicted with the rest of it according to Funnel reality, and thus, when the Spawn is forced to conform to Funnel reality, the conflicting parts must be shed. The shed parts then become Shades and Fractures of the Spawn, which can quite similar to or different from the original Spawn by our measures. Regardless of seeming similarities and differences, the Shade or Fracture still possesses some (though likely an incomplete) number of the original Spawn’s characteristics.

Shades are incomplete forms of a Spawn shed through the Spawn's interaction with Funnel reality. While a complete (or at least mostly complete) Spawn is incapable of entering the Funnel, a Shade does not conflict with Funnel reality and, thus, can enter the Funnel.

Fractures are essentially more nebulous, contradictory, and complete Shades. They are much more likely to appear similar to the Spawn they originated from. Some are small enough to enter the Funnel, others are not. How Fractures are formed is still a poorly understood process, though it is theorized that a Fracture is formed when a Spawn is in prolonged contact with the Funnel. The Spawn "decays" into Fractures as it is broken apart by Funnel reality. It is possible that some Fractures seen today are the remnants of long dead Spawn, though there is no conclusive proof of this.

Fallen Spawn are Spawn that have been corrupted through contact with the Funnel but have not decayed completely into Shades. They are Spawn in the sense that they are still technically separate from the Funnel, though they have become reliant on the Funnel for survival, and are almost parasitic in nature. Spawn are corrupted by contact with the Funnel, and if the decay of the Spawn is not complete, a "tolerance" of the Funnel builds in the Spawn, further corrupting it. A corrupted Spawn is no longer harmed by the Funnel, having succumbed to the Funnel's reality, and it is now tied to the Funnel much like other Funnel life.

Very little is known about the Bright other than a few established events. It seems the Bright and the Spawn were antagonistic towards each other, and the Bright brought into being a set of constant rules for reality and created the Funnel in the process. This same event also declared the framework for time, and in doing so altered Tempurack from its unknown protoform into the Spawn of time. The Spawn, seeing the threat of the Funnel and its constant rules, wished to destroy the Bright. The Bright then retreated into the Funnel they had created to escape the Spawn's onslaught. Tempurack then cursed (note that cursed is used loosely) the Funnel with time so that eventually the Bright would exit the Funnel. Upon their exiting, the Bright were promptly devoured by the Spawn. However, the Funnel, now devoid of cosmic beings, was left to its own rules of reality and eventually new life took hold there of its own accord. That new life gradually evolved into the modern Funnel lifeforms seen today.

Monsters are the result of cosmic corruption (possibly by a Shade, or even a Spawn itself) of Funnel life. The effects of such corruption vary wildly, sometimes producing characteristics akin to a blessing while other times producing ones more akin to a curse. Within the monster, a bridge between the Funnel and the Void has been corrupted into existence. A noteworthy effect of this bridge is the ability of some monsters to travel between the Funnel and the Void.

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