List of Characters We're Maybe Using

More development coming soon, they'll probably even get their own pages one of these days

Vila Lakeese - Had the beginnings of a relationship with wormspore harold but broke up with him for a space bear named Nikjikkler, Harold didn't like her anyway

Vityaru - a humble rage filled shop owner who, if you buy some stuff is super happy, but if you don't buy anything he cusses you out and it's just a bunch of beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeping

Nakana - a mute in a set of armor, (What you think to be a she) is the guardian of a small village on the far side of the galaxy.

The Metro Dweller - a hermit living in the Lakara City Metro despite 05B89's cleansing of the city. It is said that they have been cosmically blessed, though in what way is unknown.

Wormspore Harold - [redacted]

Big Febba - A well known & popular musician, originally from planet (come up with). Died a long time ago, now performs as a hologram. A fully digital lifeform. His first big hit back on Earth was his album Body Bag. His song "The Meat" is also very popular. Most of his music could be classified as ‘techno rap’ or soul.

Mr Charles - “Blessed” by Ohenex. His thoughts and reality was so morphed by Ohenex’s influence that it created a feedback loop, further morphing his reality and giving him the ability to morph other funnel dweller’s perception of reality. He cannot exist except as a parasite feeding off of and morphing some other lifeform’s thoughts. Created the show Mein Bein Brennt as a way to morph and feed off of more people’s thoughts and realities. The show influences the reality of whoever views it, corrupting it.

Norton - A thoroughly average human. Mr Charles’s host at the time of the making of the show Mein Bein Brennt. It is unknown what happened to him after the series finale.

Svelnex - A rogue scientist native to the Zastrata empire, the creator of many wacky inventions, and an obsessive fan of the intergalactically acclaimed show “Mein Bein Brennt”. Inventor of the cloning katana, the gelatinous slab (a bio computer that looks like a slab of meat) and the blenderbus. Indirect creator of the Laika Vx colony.

Yarg Blarthus - The big boss in the Etharg Ethvari. Salthus - Yarg Balthus's right hand man, a big mafia boi. Raider Vic hates this fella especially as he slonked in his presence.

Leggernad Bigtext - A very official fella

Finissio Burb - Traveling bard/musician. Travels the funnel collecting stories and songs. As you travel the Hallways in funnel you may come across a wandering bard named Finnissio. If you pay him 20 space shekels and give him a song title, he will play you that song better than any other bard. He is so talented, that even if the song title you gave him isn’t real, he will make one up on the spot and play it as though he’s known it all his life. His favorite and only instrument, is a strange 13 stringed lute that he takes with him everywhere he goes. If you travel with him you will notice that he has sudden outbursts of pure giggling and hums to himself. No one knows where he came from. Some say he is King Seniphas’ distant cousin and they were childhood friends before everyone started killing each other. Some say he was dropped on his head as a child. Others say that he used to follow a certain grand champion around. Either way he mutters when he is not humming or singing.

Heinous Bert - Very heinous indeed

Barthonus Gegranos - Mafia monk/scribe. Spends his days in the Etharg Ethvari fortress on planet Argus chronicling the mafia’s history and epics. His masterpiece is a book called “The Epicus” which is the most epic mafia book of all time, and contains all of the mafia’s beliefs, legends, epics, bios, history, etc. He’ll be done with it when he dies

Greg - Hecc that guy

Bill - appearance: mutton chops and an old timey felt coat, london factory worker from 1893. He can split into as many persons as he wants. He walks aggressively in a pack when he is multiple persons. The only exclamatory word he uses is “roaring”. He refers to everyone as Bill. “Bill, you look roaring today” - Bill

Dippy - The runner guy from NRITH. A sketchy fella stuck in a hallway

Reinik Hajile - Elijah Kinier’s polar opposite. Short, straight as a pencil and fucking AMERICAN as well as a botanist. His one goal in life is to kill Elijah with his killer plants. Evil (?) scientist, from South Dakota

Diesi Von Whiskers - A cat who in the lord of all cats. His power is EXTREME cuteness. He is so cute that you will give him all your belongings and promptly piss off. He can also grow and shrink in a wavy manner. Rides around on his chariot pulled by many fellow cats.

Raider Vic - Viking warlord of the lower sections of the funnel. He has a huge head and a huge appetite for conquest. Interestingly Raider Vic enforces civilized behavior within his army. Best be attending any battles he’s fighting, unexcused absences lead to execution. No slonk or vape in army please.

Edward Richter - Business man autocrat of an alternate earth, Edward Richter is a German native that through smart investments and inheritance gained enough money to start several very profitable businesses around the world. He built up enough wealth to start running for office in America, became the president, then started literally buying other nations. Soon he had amassed stupid amounts of wealth and was able to completely take over, dissolving the world senate and congress, and becoming an autocrat of the world. Edward rules rather fairly for a autocrat, making the markets free, making sure monopolies don’t threaten the system, and making sure that everyone has at least a roof and food. Despite this Edward is still power hungry and has been known for making people that disagree with him, “retire.” He has also allowed the mafia to act freely on his Earth.

Ahalak - the spider hermit guy. Blessed indirectly by Yiwenes. Yiwenes had blessed the spiders through its presence, and through his consumption of their cobwebs, Ahalak absorbed the blessing.

Zevyik - A fabled wizard. Great in power and knowledge, he has disappeared from the multiverse, and is either gone or maybe just hiding. Very misanthropic, but not just towards humans, instead to life in general. Like a more evil, wizardly version of wormSpore Harold (collects artifacts, knowledge, travels & explores, etc). Unknown lifespan. Believed to have found and explored The Kaznavika at some point, brought out and published a copy of the Kanna Uvnek. One of the last of the Navza, partially cybernetic wizard now. You get a chance to meet him and the Navza Remnants (still coming up with a name for them) which are basically just preserved brains now.

Arthur Dredglich - Youngest of the bloodline and inheritor of the Funnel Maker of laws’ power. Arthur (also known as Arty by friends) inherited this power after an encounter with Volom in one of his dreams when he was 8. The Cosmic Being took a liking to him, for Arthur was intuitive and didn’t show the qualities of humans that Volom disliked, and thus Volom granted him the power of a funnel maker (one that Volom himself consumed), in doing so Arthur was linked to Volom on a psychic level. Arthur now lives with the Children of the Void and their home on [redacted]. Despite being 15 he has shown to have an advanced knowledge of Physics and the physical properties of the funnel. His inheritance allows him to control the physical attributes of objects, and to change how the laws of physics affect objects (such as making a warhammer weightless for himself, but still have the same density).

Netra Bakaliech - A human born on Earth 2.0. Does mercenary, scavenging and tech recon work. Has worked for both the ESA (but doesn’t really trust them, and only does what work she thinks is harmless for them) and Etharg Ethvari, as well as various other groups and individuals. Fought in her village militia for 3 years during the faction wars (still coming up with a name for this war) on Earth 2.0. Has a base/hideout/bunker/lab thing on Ulenki (an old Navza research facility). Has a pet bubblefish (a fish but very bubbly and it swims in the air, propels itself by releasing air from the bubbles) named Allen. Blessed by the metro dweller (an unknown explorer whose travels in the funnel morphed him into something like a cosmic monster but not monstrous, kind of like the spider guy). This is a minor blessing, not granting her superpowers or anything other than the ability to traverse the hallways and lower funnel.

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