Named for the prophet who revealed it to us. Praise Hecc

The Hectorverse. Where to begin?

Basic Description: Wacky sci fi multiverse

It's amazing what can come from a seemingly inconsequential event. Imagine it: It's studyhall, last period of the day. You and a friend are talking and joking, when eventually the topic of conversation shifts to epic creature ideas. Thus the "horse pirhana". An entire game grew out of that one idea. That type of growth, of building on ideas, is the best way I can describe how we came up with this lore.

So how did this all start? We never sat down and decided we were going to start writing this, it's something we've been adding on to for years. I think the clearest starting point is Hectorism.

I think a quote from the founding prophet, Pan, sums this up pretty well. "Once, I didn't feel like doing my math journal question, so I googled it. What I found was the best decision I had ever made. The first result was a health textbook (link to the textbook) and the first thing visible in this textbook was the face of the amazing Hector. I knew that I had to tell others, so I did. This was the first coming of Hector" - Pan
So naturally, a cult was started around it. Hectorist teachings were the first step in the creation of the Hectorverse. If you want to check out our old culty website, here's the link.

Since then, we've fleshed the lore out into a whole multiverse. You should check it out.

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