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  • Eli Knier

    Co-owner, Head Writer, Social Media Wizard, legal & business stuff, soon to be Resident Astrophysicist

    “Oh dear” mutters the figure standing next to you. He paces around the dark chamber that you are currently frozen in. Not frozen as in ice, but unable to move, feel, and sense, the only part of your body that works is your eyes. Your eyes flutter around in a panic as you try to understand where you are. The figure stops pacing and stands in front of you, the room is dark, but you can faintly make out the outline of a tallish man, skinny, his outline almost alien. His piercing yellow eyes glow faintly in the dark as he observes you with curiosity. “You fell in didn’t you?” he questions calmly. “The funnel, all the way to the bottom, no, past the bottom in fact.” Your heart would be pounding right now if it could move. “You see” the figure continues, “the funnel is very hard to navigate, one slight misstep and ‘ploop’ down you go.” He paces around you once again, sometimes poking a frozen limb for a response that would never come. He stops in front once again and mutters, “I am very sorry, truly I am.” He clears his throat, “but you have now crossed over, into the Crab Void”