By the entire team
-Incredibly easy to win, Incredibly easy to die-
-Hundreds of wacky, zany, and ridiculous death animations-


Well hey, stuff is going pretty well for No Running in the Halls. Got a lot of concept art done, and the soundtrack is coming along nicely.
Soon the dev team will have the game skeleton built.

This one's by Linus, he says it's a platformer with some cool lore.

page coming soon

Grafton's project. Mythology based open world fantasy game. We're basing the lore on baltic and slavic mythology because that stuff is pretty epic.

page coming soon

Yeah, we should really think of a name for this one. We have the plot, character, and worldbuilding stuff pretty much done though, so it's okay. All hail Rast, would you like some spore dust?

page coming soon

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